Saturday, June 6, 2020

If the police are defunded or otherwise neutered in their ability to do their jobs, we're probably going to be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing

"Antifa chased out of town by Hell's Angels Biker Gang".

You don't like the police? Wait until you get a taste of vigilantism


Deborah said...

Who knew that Antifa would be uniters...hmmm. There certainly is some unprecedented things going on this year. Maybe somebody can get them to take this show on the road.

Deborah said...

It wasn't that there would be no police. They want to defund the current force and remake it from "scratch". It goes without saying what this means. Do they realize this isn't a short process. What will they do during the process?

JeffS said...

Correct, Deborah -- with the new "police" force recruited exclusively from the antifa ranks, and like-minded travelers.

RebeccaH said...

Antifa vs Hell's Angels. I'd pay money to see that, especially because Antifa has never come up against anybody who could fight back (except the police, and they aren't allowed to). Hell's Angels would be having lightly salted antifa for breakfast.

Deborah said...

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, Antifa cancelled. Does this mean that Hell's Angels and the Mongols are bitter enemies again, or that they're taking it on the road?

Btw, are you going to be hit by Cristina? Take care. Best wishes!

Spiny Norman said...

because Antifa has never come up against anybody who could fight back

They did at least once: at a Berkeley CA free speech protest (which Antifa naturally opposed), the Proud Boys showed up to challenge Antifa, and Antifa took a beating. A dreadlocked "hair-fetishism" on-line "porn" personality who was dubbed "Moldylocks" went to "collect scalps" with a magnum champagne bottle as a club, and famously got knocked the eff out with a fist to the forehead.