Sunday, August 9, 2020

How do you like getting the bum's rush, comrades?

Update and bumped An oldie but a goodie: Antifa self-defense training.

Residents in a Ft. Collins, CO neighborhood run off a small infestation of "commie scum".

It's good to see normal people pushing back.


Veeshir said...

Antifa overplayed their hand against people afraid or ordered to not fight back.
Now America knows what 'mostly-peaceful' means and aren't going to put up with it.
I liked the one guy who made sure nobody used weapons on those soy-boys. Just slap them around, give them wedgies and spank them. Let them go back to Seattle and Portland and cry in their crappucinos.

Gregoryno6 said...

Seriously, how effing stupid do you have to be? Picking on a guy in a wheelchair, in a town where you're already unwanted?

Steve Skubinna said...

Well, Gregory, since they've already gotten away with beating up old ladies in Portland, why wouldn't they think they could get away with it?

RebeccaH said...

Antifa bullies like to talk tough and act tough ... until they meet some real tough guys, and then they back off. People in wheelchairs, old ladies, some lone driver, those are legitimate targets, but no way are they going to take on people who could beat them silly.