Thursday, November 26, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett

Already paying dividends: "Supreme Court Sides with Religious Groups Against Andrew Cuomo, 5-4".

Grinning ferret John Roberts voted with the leftist minority, of course. He's totally cool with Cuomussolini ruling by unconstitutional edict.

Advice to Republicans everywhere: don't let the establishment vet your most important government functionaries - especially judges.

1 comment:

JeffS said...

Robert's dissenting opinion comes down "We shouldn't rule on this because Cuomo relented after this suit wqas filed. And if he changes his mind again, SCOTUS can always re-examine the case."

Which would be an obstacle for the plantiffs, seeing as they lack the resources of Cuomo and his commie peers. Cuomo has blatantly trampled on civil rights before, and he will again, unless he gets a choke collar.

That's the same crap Roberts pulled on a Second Amendment suit, where the city of New York rescinded yet another draconian anti-gun ordnance just before it hit SCOTUS. Nice to see him frustrated.

Gorsuch says otherwise:

It is time—past time—to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues and mosques.

And then there's nugget of judicial snark:

So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the afternoon exploring your distal points and meridians. Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience?