Thursday, November 26, 2020


I was sitting in the living room, more or less vegetating after dinner in my La-Z-Boy chair, when I suddenly heard owls hooting in the vicinity. The calls were particularly loud, so I went outside and could just make out the silhouettes of two owls on our roof, perched within 7 or 8 feet of each other, hooting away. They flew off eventually, finding my own attempts at hooting presumptuous and offensive, I suppose.

I thought this was kind of neat, but after researching owl lore a bit, I discovered that they historically have been considered harbingers of death. Mere superstition, of course, but I advised Mrs. Paco and Daisy to be especially on their guard for the next few days.


Steve Skubinna said...

The owls are not what they seem.

bruce said...

Yeah Paco, don't worry, they're looking for Laura Palmer (cue theme music).

Paco said...

Well, she ain't here.

RebeccaH said...

They're just looking for love.

JeffS said...

Maybe someone asked the owls what they thought about Joe Biden?

Steve Skubinna said...


Paco said...

Yeah, that's exactly what they said!