Friday, November 27, 2020

I don't know whether this is significant long term or not...

 ...but it is nice to see Republicans picking up House seats in California.

On the other hand, we definitely need fewer Republicans of the Phil Scott variety: "Vermont Governor Directs Schools To Interrogate Students About Their Family’s Thanksgiving Activities".


RebeccaH said...

The first step in building a dictatorship: get the children to snitch on their parents. In this case, the kids aren't even going to know they're snitching, they're just going to describe family get-togethers with joy in their faces. I hope this doesn't happen in our local school because I'm liable to be the old woman who gets thrown off campus by security.

Gregoryno6 said...

My teachers warned about this sort of behaviour under Mao. Today's teachers are no doubt telling the kids to answer with as much detail as possible.
Hell, Australian teachers would probably welcome Thanksgiving into the local calendar for this very reason. They appear to not have thought of it (so far).

Steve at the Pub said...

Had we been asked this stuff when I was at school, the teacher would have had to fist-fight several of the fathers & face a lot of high-pressure discussions with some of the mothers.

The publican had kids at school, so the teachers would have commenced an alcohol-free lifestyle & would have had to turn to church-going for a social life.