Thursday, November 26, 2020

Yeah, I know

Most celebrities are neurotic idiots, and I doubt if anyone cares what they think. It's just that, in glancing at the linked article and seeing Rob Reiner's latest belch of nonsense, it suddenly struck me: every single thing Archie Bunker ever said about his meathead son-in-law was true.


RebeccaH said...

Reiner's nuts, there's no other way to put it. Not only nuts, but so consumed with rage it must be painful to be him.

JeffS said...

The vast majority of the "entertainment" industry is consumed with rage. Not to mention possessing over-inflated egos. Being psycho is just a by product, possibly due to their self-inflicted pain.

Kurt Russell -- an actor himself -- has the right of it: "Actors Should Stick to Day Jobs, Stay Out of Politics".

Paco said...

Right on, Kurt.

I think Hollywood very nicely underscores the nexus between neurosis and leftist politics.

Gregoryno6 said...

Everyone's entitled to an opinion. Even an uninformed and essentially stupid opinion.
But when you spout essentially stupid opinions mixed with contempt for the intended recipients, you shouldn't be too surprised when the recipients take countermeasures. Especially when they play a significant role in determining your income - or lack thereof.