Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Cowardly (Food) Lion

This story is a couple of months old, but I just heard about it: "Food Lion reverses policy banning employees from wearing US flag masks after Air Force veteran quits in protest".

Sorry, Food Lion, but the original decision never should have happened in the first place. This was something apparently approved at the board level, for God's sake, so if you want my business, get a new board.


ck said...

Did you check out the moron gun thread last night? Weasel put up pictures of my latest "working with your hands for retards" project.

Paco said...

Ah, nice looking rifle! I admit that I didn't see the pics at first because I couldn't get through Weasel's ten paragraphs of instruction on how to breathe while shooting (talk about padding).

Deborah said...

This no exceptions policy is asinine, but then it makes sense baecause it must have been made by a cabal of asses. The American flag should never be banned anywhere in America and her territories. Shame on Food Lion. The walk-back is too late, and disingenuous like Cardi B's apology for having 34 people over for Thanksgiving.