Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hardly surprising

Biden's "address" to Congress didn't even pull in half the viewers Trump attracted at his lowest rated speech.

Naturally, yours truly did not watch this over-medicated old fool read slogans off of idiot cards or repeat what he was told to say over hidden earphones. I cannot imagine a bigger waste of time than watching the Usurper spout a lot of socialist gibberish. 

Ted Cruz dozed off - but apparently he wasn't the only one.

Meanwhile, faced with the slow collapse of their own society, a group of French generals and other military ranks grow increasingly impatient with their government. Very interesting. 

Update  Note that the letter appears in full in the linked article, and that the lead signatory was Christian Piquemal, former commander of the Foreign Legion. March or die, mes amis!


  1. I'm reading War and Peace. Napoleon just walked into scene, in the aftermath of the battle of Austerlitz, and he's depicted positively. Can recommend the book, very easy read with charming tidbits on every page - not what I expected. Except in my copy half the dialogue is in French and they put translations bottom of the page. But I realise it helps if you read through the French - the girls' French is different from the men's, and one officer's bad French gets a laugh. So I like the format.

    Ah, the French. 'Can't live with them, can't live without them' seems apt.

  2. I can't decide if the situation in France is as dire as suggested (the media being so trustworthy, y'know), but if it is and France falls, I think that's going to be the world's Archduke Ferdinand moment.

  3. I think it's interesting to see so many French officers not afraid to speak out on the threat to France presented by woke insanity, while, in the U.S., so many of the military higher-ups have turned out to be nothing but leftist bureaucrats in brass hats who are willing to sign on to the most absurd rubbish (as well as participate in denigrating a genuinely patriotic president).
