Thursday, April 29, 2021

Here's a tip for "progressive" politicians

The crocodile is actually quite notoriously indifferent as to whom he eats next: "In Chilling Video, Antifa Doxes, Threatens to KILL Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler".


  1. Useful idiots generally go up against the wall first.

    Buh-bye, Ted.

  2. Ted is just now discovering that he's a Menshevik. He stupidly thought that he and Antifa were on the same side.

    If I could, I'd offer him these words of comfort: "They're Anti-fascists, Ted. It's right there in their name. So if they're against you, it means you must be a fascist. Suck it up"

  3. I haven't watched the vid, but I don't know if I'd call it 'chilling' from the description.
    Hilarious, banal, utterly predictable maybe, but not chilling.
    But then, I don't live there.

  4. I started to watch the video but didn't bother to finish it. Stupid white mask, black hoodie, and disguised voice, all out of Hollywood's string of horror movies, so the whole point of the video is to scare people. It's a terrorist tactic. Maybe they'll try to kill Wheeler (and most likely get shot during the effort), maybe they won't, but if they scare enough people it won't matter. I really despise Antifa, I mean really, deeply, despise them.

  5. They are a despicable lot, no doubt about it. Ironically, if a real leftist government manages to impose a chokehold on our country, these hooded a$$holes will probably be the first ones liquidated.
