Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Deep State strikes back

An ominous and, indeed, frightening video from Tucker Carlson. 

I was not aware of the case of Douglass Mackey, but the whole thing sounds like a travesty.


rinardman said...

What else would it be? This whole administration is a travesty.

Paco said...

I think it was Ace of Spades who said the other day that they're not even bothering to justify themselves anymore; that's their way of showing us how powerful they are.

RebeccaH said...

Purge the FBI. Purge the Department of Justice. Eliminate the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. Start over, and vote in a president and a Congress that will uphold the rule of law as outlined in the Constitution of the United States of America. Until we do that, nothing is going to change.

Veeshir said...

Paco, they're not just not hiding, they're flaunting it.

Pour encourager les autres.

JeffS said...

This puts Tucker’s discussion into a broader, and scarier, perspective…….


Gregoryno6 said...

Exposure for Tubby Liz? Not in the Playboy sense of the word, please.

Paco said...

Gregory: Lord, no!

Veeshir said...

Read CTH with a huge grain of salt.
I stopped reading them a year or so ago when they were talking about a HUGE SCOOP that was going to be HUGE! and everybody HAS TO BE PREPARED!
It never came out.
I class them with Gateway Pundit, decent but you can never be sure if the headline and commentary will match the facts.