Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday funnies


Scholars Believe Overflow Crowd Watched Sermon On The Mount Via Jumbotron

Fact check: true.

Man, these things are really freaking me out!

Just a tad too sour.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


RebeccaH said...

I liked them all, but the ones that tickled me most were the great moments in evolution and the dog breed attitudes. I'm a sucker for funny animal videos.

rinardman said...

Relax and leave the driving to me

This one made me laugh because I watch a YT channel that shows Chinese crash cam videos, and those motorized tricycle contraptions are all over the place in China. And it seems every one of them is driven by people who have no situational awareness whatsoever. Their favorite thing to do is turn in front of cars & trucks without warning and without looking first. Most of the time the tricycle driver gets to his feet and cusses the other driver like it was their fault.

So, yeah, if they could make those things autonomous in China, it couldn't be any worse than the humans.

JeffS said...

Dogs don’t like lemons? Well, at least THAT dog doesn’t.

Gregoryno6 said...

The good old ammo magazine that never needs refilling. Where do you buy them?
Asking for a friend, of course.