Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Democrats are "a criminal organization masquerading as a political party"

So sayeth Michael Walsh. So sayeth we all: "Famous Crooks Who Are Democrat Megadonors".


Veeshir said...

Heck, they're not even in masquerade anymore, they just call you names for noticing it.

Paco said...

That's true. They're "out and proud", to coin a phrase.

Gregoryno6 said...

Capone was an honest citizen compared to this lot.

Paco said...

Capone at least was more bipartisan: he supported the last Republican mayor of Chicago, Big Bill Thompson.

RebeccaH said...

Everybody complains about the Republicans fighting among themselves, but at least they have their own ideas about how things are supposed to go and are willing to argue for them. Democrats these days are compliant sheep who will bow to whoever has the most money and clout, principles be damned. I will never vote for another one.