Friday, December 23, 2022

Gawrsh, Mickey, how did that movie ever succeed?



  1. How lame.
    The first guy killed isn't white, the technogeek isn't white, there's definitely some homo-erotic stuff going on in a couple places, the chief of police surely wants to do some stuff with the Effa Bee Eye guys and some of those Germans seemed awfully close.

    As for the no trans bit, HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THEIR GENDERS!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?!?!?!?!?!???

    At least she acknowledges it's a Christmas movie.

  2. Damn it. Can we, just once, have a frickin' Christmas come and go with out some jackwagon loudly demanding his or her life be ended ASAP?

  3. I think it might be a kindness to accede to that demand.

  4. How does Ms. Smartypants know there were no trans people in that movie. That one German guy had pretty long hair.

  5. Plus, RebeccaH, they were Europeans. Which is practically the same as being gay.
