Saturday, December 17, 2022

I think Dan Rather and Joe Biden share the same brain cell

"Dan Rather’s swing and a TOTAL MISS at Elon Musk about free speech does NOT go well, at all". 

Dan Rather apparently doesn't know the difference between expressing opinions and setting somebody up for a "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" encounter - strange, that

Here's more background on the Twitter suspensions that gave rise to Dan Rather's tea-cup chihuahua yips. 


  1. Dan Rather is desperate not to be forgotten, but ... sorry, Dan, it's too late.

  2. Dan’s 15 minutes of fame were gone well before he forged that Bush 43 memo.

    But like any other zombie, he’s really hard to stop.

  3. My favorite personal theory about the "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" event was that some dude wanted to beat up Dan Rather (as one does) and shouted the nonsense phrase as a red herring.

    It's still my favorite theory, even though the truth is that the assailant was a nutcase who thought a government conspiracy was trying to mind control him.

    1. It doesn't get real until chem trails are mentioned. When you get to chem trails you've gone too far.
