Friday, December 30, 2022

It's only a matter of time

"USA Today Pushes ‘Bullet Regulation’ to Stop High-Profile Shootings".


  1. I saw this one documentary film where this one guy, Judge Dredd, was accused of shooting this other guy, and they proved it because his gun registered his DNA on every bullet fired.

    But see, here's the thing - Dredd really was innocent, the guy who killed the other guy was a clone and so had the same DNA! So we not only need bullet control, but clone control too!

  2. Absolutely, clone control should be on the agenda. And clown control, let's not forget that one.

  3. Clown control by definition would eliminate about 90% of the elected officials in government.

    Meanwhile, back to the "bullet regulation": New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin(D) said: Law-abiding gun owners who purchase ammunition in bulk won’t have anything to worry about.

    Which brings us back to my first point.

  4. Exciting career opportunities are opening up in the field of bullet numbering!

  5. "Excuse me Sir, do you have a permit for that bullet? Okay, then how about that one? And that one? What about that one there?"

  6. I'm thinking bullet-making kits might become a thing. Perhaps I should call my stock broker.
