Sunday, May 28, 2023

Can you imagine living to be 85 years old...

...and being as stupid (or even more so) as when you were 25? "Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’".

Note the first photo at the link. That's the exact same "Nobody Home" expression Joe Biden has most of the time.


Veeshir said...

That's a lot of plastic surgery and she still looks pretty brutal.
She's as ugly on the outside as on the inside now.

Anonymous said...

30 years ago I realized the dems and the left were liars and theives. I cannot even imagine being that old and stupid

Gregoryno6 said...

Veeshir - I do believe Ron Perlman has been in hot pursuit of Hanoi Jane. He wants his chin back.