Sunday, May 28, 2023

Here, let me help you with your decision

"New Hampshire Republican Governor Chris Sununu will decide whether he will run for the GOP nomination for president in the next week or two, he told CNN on Sunday."

DOA, dude. One hears a lot of noise out there, but I cannot, even with the most sophisticated hi-tech sound equipment available on the market today, detect the slightest feeble squeak of excitement over the possibility of yet another GOPe stooge throwing his hat in the ring. Ain't happening; don't waste your time and our patience.


Veeshir said...

Going for the GOPe money... I mean, vote.
Who knows, maybe they've been figuring out how to fortify the primaries too.

If he or someone like him gets the nod, they won't even have to fix the election

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Sununu... uh, lemme see... he's that governor that isn't Christie, right?

Bucky said...

IIRC back in 2015-2016 there were 19 GOP contenders for the nomination.

rinardman said...

Maybe he's expecting a huge wave of "Oh, wait, he IS better than Trump or DeSantis!" Republican voters.

Deborah said...

Say what!?! Sununu who? Only NH knows him. What are they saying at the diners?

Deborah said...

PS The diners know he doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell,, and that this is just a moneymaking scheme.