Friday, May 3, 2024

The chicken is headless, but it nonetheless manages to keep flopping around the yard

"Joe Biden, Dearborn Shahid, Commits Political Suicide via Hamas Appeasement".

I think the title of the article underestimates the stupidity of the average Democrat voter, and the howling frenzy of TDS sufferers, not to mention the defiant partisanship of the bureaucracy and the media, so I'm not sure I'd call it political suicide. But the Biden cabal's enabling of anti-Semitism in modern America should significantly damage this repugnant character's reelection chances - unless our nation is now utterly godforsaken, in which case pray for a miracle.


Stephen A Skubinna said...

Well, he just ticked of Japan and India by shooting off his fat mouth. He never misses a chance to crap on Israel.

Who does he carefully tiptoe around to stay on their good side? Iran. Hamas. Qatar.

RebeccaH said...

The would-be shahid of Dearborn is in for a hard slog unless he recovers enough cognitive ability and common sense to overrule his woke staffers and change course immediately.

Even if Senile Joe was able to overcome his increasing dementia, common sense is a totally unknown quality for him. If there's a wrong way to do something, that's what he'll do. He's done it all his life.