Monday, June 3, 2024

An interesting idea I hadn't considered

Jeffrey Carter: "Let Trump roam free as a bird in Republican governed state. Fight any and all extradition including the use of the police force and any military that the governor controls."

H/T: Buck Throckmorton at Ace of Spades.


  1. interesting... a cold civil war... like that comic about needing the rednecks more than the rednecks needing you... I got a friend who has that kind of deal going on in his neighborhood... he's the only house in the neighborhood that the trades like to work with and they can afford to be coosey who they do work for.

  2. Surely he could have done something like this from the start, when they started lawfaring. Instead he chose to fight each case with his own lawyers, who seem sub-par - cheap?

    Is it because he wears 2 hats (President and businessman), and is fighting for his businesses in NY?

  3. Bruce: Remember, though, that various organs of the left have threatened Trump's lawyers with boycotts, disbarment and even jail in an attempt to deny him the opportunity to acquire an adequate defense. Even the most money-grubbing lawyer sometimes blinks at taking a case when he's up against the destructive power of the deep state.

  4. Yes, good points. It's so complicated, which is what his attackers want, like muddy water to obscure their acts.

  5. Overall, I think the reason Trump won't 'go to the mattresses' is his business and family in NY. Don't most of his family still live there?

    I suspect he's doing this for his family, and would even go to jail for them.

    It's both his strength and his weakness. That he's human while his enemies are the many-headed Hydra.

  6. I'm sure Florida would take him, considering how much money Mar-a-Lago rakes in for the state in taxes (and Florida is a low-tax state). Texas would probably welcome him too, and there are still plenty of armed Texans around.
