Sunday, June 2, 2024


There was a time when I would have been content to see Biden removed from the presidency by his own party or by impeachment. Then he began to set new lows for vileness, and I wished him dead in his bed. Now, as he sinks into even greater depths of evil, I would much prefer seeing him tarred and feathered: "The Grin of Evil and the Posts of Cowards". I'll settle for his defeat in the upcoming election.

Oakland is now imitating Rio de Janeiro, but in a bad way, with the advent of the construction of favelas.

Being in the Air Force is a real drag, these days: "Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers". I do not understand why institutions, public and private, are kowtowing to one of the freakiest and most minute fringe factions in society. That this is happening tells me that this is part of somebody's plan - and I don't just mean Satan's, I mean some group with tentacles throughout our society and government.

C'mon, Biden himself is the biggest deep fake going: "The Latest DOJ Reason for Refusing to Turn Over Biden-Hur Audio Tapes Is Beyond Absurd".

Even this guy - having, no doubt, stuck his finger in the wind, first - thinks the Trump prosecution in Manhattan was ridiculous: "Mitt Romney Has Two Words for Alvin Bragg". Ok, Mitt, how big a donation can we put you down for?

Oy, Canada.



  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 2, 2024 at 10:48 PM

    Blood is coming, and none of us can stop it.

    And at this point, I can't honestly say that I want to stop it.

    End goal? Trump is shived in the shower at Riker's. And they'll all say "See? This is what you get when you terrorists do an insurrection and assault Our Precious Democracy™! If only you were reasonable and let us do whatever we want!"

    Meanwhile, the Reasonable Republicans are saying, "Oh no, you're overreacting! I have many Democrat friends and none of them think that!" Really, Mr. Kristol? Really, Mr. Boot? Really, Mr. Romney? You are full of it. No, you do not have any Democrat friends. The best you can expect is that they'll keep silence and avert their gaze when the SA comes to get you. At worst, they'll happily take their cattle prods and herb you into the boxcars.

    Blood is coming and none of us can stop it.

  2. ...I mean some group with tentacles throughout our society and government.

    Probably not a cabal of lower to middle class, poorly educated, America loving working people who struggle to keep their own lives together and don't have time to organize a birthday party, let alone make plans to take over the world.

    So, maybe it's a cabal of people who are insanely rich megalomaniacs with delusions of grandeur. Just spitballin' here.

  3. Stephen: There's nothing dumber this side of a stump than "reasonable" Republicans.

  4. I'm past hoping for Biden to lose the election. I just want to see him dead in his bed.

  5. Full disclosure: When I said "tar and feathering", what I really meant was that I would like to see a mob marching down Pennsylvania Avenue with his head on a pike.
