Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Biden "legacy"




Stephen A Skubinna said...

That's about as accurate an assessment of Joe Biden as I've ever read. He is not, and never has been, a "decent" man. He's a pathological liar and bully and corrupt mediocrity.

And now he has dementia. Too bad for him, eve worse for the rest of us.

Paco said...

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty good summary.

Btw, saw the other day that Former Congressman (I love typing that!) Adam "Cry-Baby" Kinzinger was still referring to Biden as a "decent" man. Either Kinzinger's a delusional idiot or just a partisan hack (or both, of course).

My fear - not so much for this election, but for posterity - is that Biden will be characterized as a "decent" man who, unfortunately, became incompetent because of cognitive deterioration. Biden has always been an incompetent - the dementia just made it worse - and there was never anything decent about him. The word "loathsome" used in that Tweet is probably the best one-word description of this genuinely creepy, horrible man I've seen.

RebeccaH said...

Shipwreckedcrew's take is pretty spot on.

Hunter Biden must be sweating bullets right about now.

rinardman said...

One of my SILs once told me that she might prefer Biden because he wasn't as "mean" as Trump.

I said that's true, but it's because he's ten times as "mean" as Trump. I told her I had heard about Biden for 40 years; and that he's a crass bully, who couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Calling him a 'second-rate politician' is an insult to second-rate politicians.

Gregoryno6 said...

A postcard from the 1970s.
It goes around, it comes around.

Paco said...

Gregory: That sign is almost always appropriate, unfortunately.

JeffS said...

I shared shipwreckedcrew's post, verbatim, on my Facebook timeline.

One friend, who absolutely hates Trump, came back with all of the current donk talking points, almost verbatim.

Very sad.