Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. I want to know how he got those rings together.

  2. Yeah, he was a little sly about that.

  3. one of the rings has a cut on the flat side, seen at about 3:18, and show glued later is a hint, then the way he holds it by the flat side and hides the cut at 3:46, you can see that the bottom ring doesn't have a split on the flat side, so he's holding the cut one, open the cut to join them... if he had not show the sanding of the cut/glued one even though it's out of order chronologically it would be hard to spot because it ends up on the underside of the table.

  4. Yeah, I think Tom is right. Use a thin kerf saw, and the ring has enough flexibility to glue and clamp the cut-out and ring back together after assembly.

  5. Yes, replaying it, I see that, Tom. Actually, I saw it the first time ... I just didn't recognize it.


  6. No, no, it's magic, I tell you!
