Tuesday, July 2, 2024

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. Thunderbird? And ... grapefruit juice?


    Although I shouldn't talk, as one favorite Friday night beverage at my college was "Purple Passion", to wit:

    1. Purchase 1 quart of Everclear* and one 1 gallon of grape juice. The grape juice must cost 98¢ (back in the late 1970s -- please adjust for inflation).

    2. Pour out 1 quart of grape juice.

    3. Pour in the Everclear.

    4. Shake well and serve. Or just pass the jug around.

    *: Everclear is not sold in some statess. Substitute with any cheap unflavored alcohol.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 2, 2024 at 11:37 AM

    Lots of questionable drink choices back then. Thunderbird, MD2020, Boone's Farm, Annie Greensprings, various malt liquors mostly marketed to blacks (Billy Dee Williams was the face for one). Oh, and Bartles and James wine coolers. And Ripple. Which my mother and her friends would mix with 7-Up.

    Though I can't be too smug, since there's a whole section of the drinks cooler filled with hard seltzer at the nearest grocery.

  3. I remember that Ripple was Fred Stanford's favorite wine and my older cousins liked Boone's Farm wine, I'm from the wine cooler generation... Earnest & Julio have done very well.

  4. JeffS: That's the recipe for what we called Purple Jesus. And on spring break we mixed it in garbage cans (new and unused...I hope) for the world's biggest punch bowl.

    Everclear. That stuff was legendary in my day. 180 proof, as I recall, the highest alcohol content that was available commercially. I bought a bottle of grape-flavored Everclear one time, took it over to a friend's house, took two big swigs and knew no more until the following day.

    Stephen: Yeah, I remember all those. And don't forget Night Train. I think I mentioned this before, but a friend and I bought a six pack of something called Hop'n Gator - a combination of (purportedly) lemon/lime Gatorade and beer. Some of the foulest brew I ever tasted.

    tom: Do you remember one of Grady's celebrated concoctions on the program? He mixed vodka and prune juice: "I call it my 'Trotsy'"

  5. Grady's vodka and prune juice is about my speed lately, my grandmother was a big prune juice fan. I do remember trash can Purple Passion punch at the frat parties!

    Lemon/lime Gatorade and beer... Leinenkugel’s beer, well it's more grapefruit, but I'm not a fan; there's a bunch of new bitter beers out now, more bitter than IzpAs, not a fan.

  6. Sorry, I misspelled "Trotsky".

    I drink very little in the way of alcohol nowadays, but I used to be fond of Dos Equis beer, and I will very rarely (when somebody invites me to a bar) have a glass of Drambuie. And of course, my apple pie whiskey is delicious, but I have to ration it; not likely to get any more.

    I'll tell you what used to make me sick as a dog: rum taken straight.

  7. Paco, the trash can punch in my college was Everclear cut with frozen orange juice and water, with orange slices thrown in for ambiance.

    Not that anyone cared about ambiance after the second cup, of course. And I don't recall anyone ever asking about the trash can history ......

  8. We had a guy in my unit at Ft. Huachuca (pronounced Hwa-choo-ca) Arizona who was promoted and busted numerous times due to his fondness for the bottle. He liked Ripple, Night Train, and Thunderbird, but it would be a fair bet that any cheap stuff would do. He had a degree in biology, but unfortunately, was a alcoholic. One time, the IG was doing an inspection. The officer insisted that there was no way "Pappy" was authorized to wear something (I don't remember what). He ordered him to remove it right there. Pappy complied, rather than disobey. The IG had to apologize.

    My Dad's concoction was 7UP, gingerale, orange soda, Hawaiian Punch, and rum. It's called Face Down Punch for obvious reasons.

  9. My parents drank a half glass of Mogen David Cream Blackberry wine over ice. They let melt a bit, because it was very sweet. It helped them sleep. It was very good.
