Tuesday, July 2, 2024

I read somewhere that demons inhabit abandoned altars

Sure looks like it! "Muslims buying abandoned churches."


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 2, 2024 at 12:50 PM

    It's always been the practice of Islam to appropriate the holy places of other religions. All part of the conquest.

    Look at Hagia Sofia in Istanbul (not Constantinople). Look at the Bramiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan. For that matter, look at the Ground Zero Mosque in NYC. Oh, but that's not a holy site?

    As if - to them it represents a victory in their centuries long war against the West.

  2. It's a sad fact that many smaller, mainstream churches are dying. I guess dumping the scriptures in favor of social activism and climate change wasn't such a winning strategy.

    Near where I live I know of at least three church buildings that have been turned into, not mosques, but people's homes.

  3. I guess I would rather they buy them than burn them; I keep hearing about church burnings.

  4. One group seriously affected by lockdowns was JWs. I know at least one of their churches now owned by Hindus, and see local groups consolidating because numbers have seriously dropped.

    Experience being able to sleep in on Saturday mornings, after years of having doors slammed in your face. Who can blame them?

  5. I was always sad about that so many churches in the UK were being sold and converted into homes. I would rather that than turned into mosqes. The devil incarnate
