Saturday, July 6, 2024

Comment bumped to its own post

 Here's a comment I left at my earlier post ("He'll Be Fine):

In a bizarre, hilarious sort of way, I am reminded of the climactic scene of the movie, El Cid, where the Cid (played by Charlton Heston) has died from wounds sustained in battle, but his captains, in an effort to prevent the collapse of morale, prop his corpse up on a horse, holding a flag, and send him out at the head of a sortie from his castle. The invading Moorish army, thinking that the Cid had already been killed, are terrorized by the sight and flee in disorder.

Perhaps they can strap Joe's moribund husk to a golf cart and drive him out to a polling booth on election day, inspiring his supporters and confounding his foes.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Jill fantasizes about Joe's hoped-for electoral victory in just this light...


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 6, 2024 at 8:55 PM

    Maybe they're already doing that. Joe's performance at the debate could have come from Weekend At Bernie's. And the ABC interview wasn't a whole lot more convincing.

  2. Interestingly, Heston's "dead" Cid is more animated than the allegedly alive Biden.

  3. The Dimocrats waited too long. They should have recruited some of their Hollywood buddies to come up with a virtual Brandon a couple of years ago and started using that in place of him making public appearances. I'm sure their lapdogs in the MSMDNC would be happy to sell the deception.

    And 81 million voters who were gullible enough to vote for him the first time wouldn't notice, or care, if they did notice.

  4. I remember that scene. Yep. That's Biden and his handlers.
