Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dropped the plumb line into California's sea of depravity...

...and haven't touched bottom, yet: "Thugs in California begin to target assisted living homes, some reports suggest as many as 30 seniors attacked in less than a week from one facility".

Of course, California may well be coming to a neighborhood near you. For example: Mrs. Paco and I were taking a walk yesterday evening and fell in with a couple of neighbors who proved to be Democrats. They didn't talk politics, just mentioned that they, and another neighbor who wasn't present, had attended some kind of Democrat meeting (I was strongly tempted to ask, "Oh, exchanging election fraud recipes?", but managed to hold my tongue.) Fortunately, two other neighbors drove by - strong conservatives - and they asked if we could stop by their house to give them some advice on a sick plant. So, we were able to extract ourselves from unhealthy company.

The three Democrats are from, respectively, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. These people retire down here to enjoy the good weather and they bring their nauseating Bolshevik politics with them. That's one reason why North Carolina isn't as red as it used to be. And although we know these people and generally get along with them, it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to tolerate their company because they support a party that would gladly silence people like me, preferably with extreme prejudice. Not very Christian of me, but, in addition to wanting Trump to win in order for our country to have at least a small chance of stopping the insanity, I want him to win because I long to see these people's hopes dashed and to hear their howling lamentations in defeat. 


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 6, 2024 at 1:07 PM

    No conservative actually has Democrat friends. I know many who believe that they do, and they are wrong. They know some Democrats with whom they get along with - at present.

    But will any of them stand alongside their conservative "friends" when the DNC SA and Red Guard show up, or Garland's or Mayorkas' SS start kicking down doors? Don't fool yourselves. At best they will keep silent and avert their gaze, at worst they will jump into the street waving down the tactical teams, shouting "Excuse me, Herr Gruppenfuhrer, but those people in that house there supported Donald Trump!"

    They'll sell you out for a Starbucks gift card.

  2. True dat, Stephen. The person I mentioned in an earlier post is more acquaintance than friend. But I’ve known her for years, and the habit is hard to break.

    Paco, it’s better to note that your neighbors are assuredly not Christian at all. I saw the same thing happen in the Washington town I just moved from; it went from solidly conservative to light blue, and is rapidly becoming another Seattle. I track the going ones there, just to remind myself that moving at my age was in fact a really good idea.

  3. I think I just realized an advantage to living in Illinois. It isn't being invaded by liberals fleeing their Blue hell-hole states looking for a livable place, even if it's a Red state. Why would they move from one hell-hole to another?

    Fortunately, I live in the rural part of the state that is still Red, and there are no liberals moving here to despoil our way of life.

  4. No conservative actually has Democrat friends. I know many who believe that they do, and they are wrong. They know some Democrats with whom they get along with - at present.

    Yes, I'm afraid it's pretty much like that with me. The Democrats of today believe in such utterly alien things, I often feel that, even when I'm having a non-political discussion with one, I'm talking to a lizard person who at any moment might whip out a live rat and start devouring it. I'm sorry that it's that way; it didn't used to be. But in the old days, Democrats hadn't latched on to truly lunatic ideas like the transgendering (mutilation) of children, and erasing borders and the wholesale defunding of police departments. And although they've always been experts at stealing elections, they're now doing it openly, on a vast scale, with no fear of punitive action. Also, Democrats, at least nominally, historically were in favor of freedom of speech; now they're our boldest and most aggressive censors.

    They're the enemy in our midst. Fortunately, I'm not any kind of social butterfly, so it's not all that difficult to avoid them.

  5. I'm fortunate enough to live in a pretty red part of Ohio. I've noticed lately that people are getting more vocal about their opposition to Big Woke.
