Thursday, July 4, 2024

If you're curious about the work that led to Jill Biden getting a Doctorate in Education... are the details: "Madam President's Midwit Manifesto".

...I think I understand why the Biden family thinks it’s fine for Dementia Daddy to keep running the country. It may not, actually, be a sick desperation to hold onto power. Or at least, not fully.
It really and truly might just be that with Jill as Matriarch, their standard for intellectual capacity is so low that Joe seems to be just fine by comparison.


"I used to couldn't spell doctor, now I are one".


  1. Well, the thought that if DOCTOR Jill is the smartest person in the family, no wonder that everyone thinks Joe is smart, certainly fits the situation.

    I never had any use for PhDs in general (at least for those awarded after 1980 or so), but an education doctorate has always struck me as all fluff and no content. I've come to realize that while credentials are useful, they should not be the final word. An HR manager in my first work place was hired solely based on his education PhD ... ... which turned out to be fake. That was a major s**tshow.

    I'm reminded of a novel by Robert Heinlein, the "Number of The Beast", where one of the characters describes how he got a PhD in education without any "original contribution to the body of knowledge in its field". The character stated that he had his dissertation accepted because he studied the members on his faculty committee and their biases, as well as padding the wording and the citations.

    Granted, it's science fiction, but Heinlein is known for his own rigorous intellect, so it's not a stretch to think that this was based on a real person.

    This is similar in concept to what Holly "Mathnerd" describes in her analysis. Only with a whole lot less intelligence applied to DOCTOR Jill's dissertation. Makes me wonder if someone didn't ghost write for her.

    And it's scary thinking that DOCTOR Jill is smartest one manipulation Joe.

  2. And it's absurd that people refer to her constantly as "Dr." Jill Biden. Doctorates in education are probably handed out like Halloween candy.

  3. Well, with her doctorate in education she could at least be a good advisor to Joe regarding the Department of Education.

    In fact, that may be why that department is so highly regarded these days.

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 4, 2024 at 11:16 PM

    I believe it was Instapundit who remarked that nobody in the Physics department ever insisted on being addressed as "Doctor," but every member of the Education department demanded it.

  5. Virtually every lawyer these days has Juris Doctor, and not one of them (well, maybe one) would ask anyone to call him doctor. If a lawyer won't do it, imagine the level of mendacity and self-regard Jill had to muster.

  6. When I worked in the Graduate Office of my university, I was the one who accepted the applications for graduation from grad students. I would then go through their files and transcripts to make sure they had met all the requirements for their degree, and if they did, I would post their degrees to their transcripts. I also formatted their theses and dissertations (by that I mean, I didn't actually read them, I would go through looking for formatting errors). I once was required to post an Ed.S degree for a school principal who wrote a 17-page dissertation that was sheer gobbledygook (that one, being only 17 pages, I did read). I objected to the Director who made me post the degree anyway. That principal (probably retired by now) has gone through life since then being called "doctor", even though she is a total idiot.

    Being there taught me how worthless colleges of education largely are. It also taught me how clueless a whole lot of teachers are because they have spent their entire lives in classrooms.
