Friday, July 5, 2024

Looks like Joe's thought-box is broken...

...and the bits and pieces are just rolling around loose: "Joe Biden, 81, describes himself as a black woman during radio interview".

Have to admit, I was hoping Biden, or rather his handlers, would be able to cover up the fact that his mind is dissolving faster than an Alka-Seltzer tablet in a glass of water, at least for a little while longer. I'm worried that the donks may still find a way to replace him. Lord only knows what's going to happen during the Snuffleupagus interview, although I'm sure George attended the master class...


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 5, 2024 at 6:05 PM

    And in earlier times (like, say, last week) the media would be angrily telling us that of course Biden meant to say blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, and we're all stupid poopyheads for making a big deal of this... childhood stutter you guys! Which nobody ever mentioned prior to 2020 but Jeez Louise, everybody always knew about it!

    Today... crickets. Embarrassed silence. Nervous throat clearing, averted glances... tuneless whistling... uncomfortable shifting of position, maybe some squirming in the chair...

    Which is a pity, because at this point I am ready to get right in the face of anybody who attempts to reinterpret his gibberish and shout "BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT HE SAID! HE DID NOT SAY WHAT YOU'RE CLAIMING HE REALLY SAID!!!!" I think even the media is too embarrassed to even try any more.

  2. Joe's thought box doesn't just seem to be broken; it is broken. His moral compass is nonexistent.

    Today, Joe identifies as a Black woman...who knows what he'll identify as after this. There are still a number of identities he can assume for his beloved party. Is Drag Queen on the list?

  3. How low we've sunk as we're discussing whether The Most Powerful Man In The Free World is a senile fool or just a mostly-senile fool.
    And millions of actual Americans will still vote for him. Not as many as they'll claim, but still millions.

    And even after 5 years of lie after gaslighting after lie, folks still believe what the media tells them to believe.
    Sure, they'll say they don't trust CNN, but they'll still believe Trump called the military loser and idiots, that there are fine white-supremacists in Charlotte and Biden got more votes for POTUS than even teleprompter jesus.

  4. His moral compass is nonexistent.

    His moral compass has never existed. A subtle difference, I know, but an important difference.

    And if Joe was a drag queen, would he be sniffing himself?

  5. I just watched the recent clips of the Steph interview, and I'm pretty sure Dirty Old Joe isn't going to be the Dem nominee for 2024, more's the pity. I don't know what the Dems will do now, but I'm sure they're barnstorming every dirty trick they can think of.

  6. Veeshir, you are so right. One friend of mine pushes exactly that line. She hates Trump due to his business dealings years ago, in Kalifornia. I don't exactly know the circumstances, and I doubt she ever had a clear picture of the matter, but her hate burns brightly even now.

    She swallowed Biden's screed about the SCOTUS immunity ruling hook, line, and sinker, and even pointed to a Substack article on the matter posted by .... Dan Rather.

    The thing is, her father had dementia, which she fully witnessed. Yet, she completely ignores all the symptoms that pResident Pudding Head displays.

    I've read that it's easier to get people to hate than to love, and that seems to be true.
