Saturday, July 6, 2024

He'll be fine

"ABC's Transcript of the Biden Interview is Revealing".

But if his team staged this interview to give Biden a maximum advantage and portray him in the best light possible, he fell very short of clearing that low bar. But I'm fairly sure we all knew that already. And yet... he persists in staying in the race. (At least for now.)

"Sharp as a tack, Jack!"


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 6, 2024 at 1:12 PM

    "Tarp as a shack!"

    Never forget that Stephanopolous is a Clinton apparatchik. If he let Biden stumble on air and never threw a lifeline, it's because his masters have decided to ditch Joe. But on the other side is DOCTOR Jill and not-doctor Hunter, both of whom have forted up in the White House and are fanning Joe and handing him water bottles, telling him "You got this, Champ! He's on the ropes, just keep dancing and let him wear himself out! Then you go in for the final punch!"

    We're watching a preference cascade in real time. It's not only become acceptable for the media to "notice" Biden's weaknesses, but mandatory. Suddenly, without anybody noticing, the sheep have begun chanting "Four legs good, two legs BETTER!" and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

  2. As Steve says, the family is keeping Joe upright. And keeping the murmurs of rebellion down with hints a la 'You wouldn't want the voters to hear about [insert career-ending scandal here].'

  3. In a bizarre, hilarious sort of way, I am reminded of the climactic scene of the movie, El Cid, where the Cid (played by Charlton Heston) has died from wounds sustained in battle, but his captains prop his corpse up on a horse, holding a flag, and send him out at the head of a sortie from his castle. The invading Moorish army, thinking that he had already been killed, are terrorized by the sight and flee in disorder.

    Perhaps they can strap Joe's moribund husk to a golf cart and send him out to a polling booth on election day, inspiring his supporters and confounding his foes.

  4. I agree with Skubinna, that Stephanopolous interview was the Democrats' version of stabbing Caesar to death in the Senate. Dr. Jill and Beloved Son Hunter might scream and kick and hold onto the White House doorjamb with all their strength, but I don't think they're going to be able to beat the Democrat Machine once it begins to move.
