Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Of tin ears, butter fingers and tripping over your own shoelaces

Seriously? What on earth possessed the Biden regime to stick this flaming hater in any kind of position where he would be seen and heard by the public? "Biden White House is ‘Proud to Have Tyler on the Team’".

He is distinguished by two things. First, there is his hatred of the police — any police, all the police, the very idea of the police. During the Baltimore riots in 2015, he tweeted that he was “Praying for #Baltimore but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases. In another tweet he wrote “Time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs.”
Second, there is his virulent hatred of Israel. He tweeted on July 25, 2014 that he’s been “Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine – no shame and f– your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine,” Cherry wrote on July 25, 2014. And there is much more in that vein, including his calling for an end to American support for Israel. He sees Israel not as a tiny, imperiled country surrounded by enemies but, rather, as a nasty little Sparta that deserves to disappear.

Yes, yes, I know. They're not even pretending anymore: they just want to destroy our civilization and culture and groove on the rubble. But since it's finally becoming clear to a lot of people these days  - many of whom were otherwise not paying attention, but are not necessarily certifiably insane - that the country is being run by a cabal of leftwing idiots, why go out of your way to advertise that the circus is in town?


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 2, 2024 at 7:01 PM

    Hey, nice people, paying attention yet?

  2. No, man, I'm going to the circus parade!

  3. Worse yet, Hunter Biden is now participating in West Wing meetings.



  4. ...they just want to destroy our civilization and culture and groove on the rubble.

    For about a week. Then the food runs out, and they start to get a clue what FAFO really means.

  5. I googled him, and oh my God. He is the very definition of an Incel, so it's no wonder he hates everybody.

  6. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 3, 2024 at 1:08 PM

    Are we still pretending that any of this is a surprise? Is anybody still naively asking "Why didn't they look into this guy before appointing him?"

    Because they did look into him. They knew who he is all along. He didn't get the appointment in spite of his social media history, but because of it. It's past time to pretend these events are accidental, and that the powers that be are blindsided. They're doing what they're doing because it's what they want to do. No more babbling about "unintended consequences" please. The consequences are anticipated and intended.

  7. But that's what's so stupid about it. We're still not so far gone as a country that asinine appointments like this might not excite negative reactions among some voters. I'm absolutely positive that the administration isn't surprised, it's what they're pushing 24/7. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether stupidity and mental illness carry the day.
