Friday, September 20, 2024

Possible escalation of violence against Trump supporters

You'll no doubt recall this story from the other day, about the Trump rally in Tucson, and the people on the stage who experienced what appear to be some kind of eye injuries.

Courtesy of friend and commenter JeffS, here is a Substack article about the possible use of UV lasers: "Ultraviolet laser-directed energy attack alert – details on invisible, silent weaponry used to attack President Trump and his supporters".

Speculation, at this stage, but it would be a mistake to put anything past the Democrats, who seem to have become radicalized, en masse


  1. "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander."

    The more they push it, the sooner that day will arrive.

  2. I speculated that someone underneath the bleachers let loose pepper spray or mace, but that probably would have traveled farther than it did. If it was a laser attack, surely someone would have seen it. The chemical disinfectant on the seats doesn't hold water. It's very mysterious.

  3. *ultraviolet* laser? Isn't that outside visible frequencies?
    - Bruce
