Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

Some slick woodcarving (embedding of video wasn't permitted).


  1. And to finish it off, add a few coats of varnish made from petrol and styrofoam!

    This is suddenly a very popular topic on youtube.

    1. It's the latest youtube wave. There's been the overlong videos about your favourite song/band from the sixties, overlong videos about WW2 era planes... the new cheap DIY videos are at least not so overlong (that I've noticed).

    2. Oh, yeah, there's this one guy who does videos about certain pop/rock songs and their back stories and it takes him forever to really get to the point. Can't remember his handle. I mean, his presentation is informative, but he could tell his story in half the time. Some restoration videos are pretty long, but I have no reluctance to fast-forward.
