Monday, September 1, 2008

The Huntress

This is the first evidence I've seen of an aspirant to, or holder of, higher office actually engaged in real hunting since Dick Cheney shot a lawyer.

Update: Sarah Palin gives roundhouse kick to Gustav, knocking it down from a category 5 to a category 2 (either that, or God's changed His mind about voting Democratic). Seriously, though, hurricanes are bad news and no laughing matter for the folks who have to live through them. Let's do what we can to help out. Here's another charity link.

Update II: Don Surber provides the proper context on the news about Palin's pregnant daughter. The Palin family's approach to this issue is vastly more humane than Obama's.

Update III: Karl Rove, drawing on a lifetime of experience laboring in the political zoological garden, engages in some scientific vice presidential taxonomy: Joe Biden is a "big blowhard doofus."


  1. Actually, not quite; he was using the wrong size shot.


  2. hopefully Sarah will soon to have a bama head mounted on her wall, to add to her collection of protected species.
    (so, this is the Paco lair, huh. I penetrate yet deeper into the VRWC. I half expect to stumble accross wronwright polishing a black helicopter)

  3. My Daddy took my sister and me, when we were at a very young age, into the woods and taught us to shoot a rifle (I was 12, she was 8, so not expected to do much). Beer and pop cans at first, and then a few months later he took us deer and squirrel hunting. Unfortunately, we didn't kill anything. We didn't even see any deer, or other wildlife, because my sister couldn't stop talking. I got taken on other hunting trips down the road, but still never managed to shoot anything (but not for lack of trying).

    On the other hand, I don't shy away from that. Hunting is human nature. I don't know what people on the left mean by "human nature", but I suspect it's a phrase that doesn't mean what they think it means.

  4. My nephew, who hero worshiped his father, insisted on going with him to the butcher to drop off the latest Bambi. Sitting at a red light, my brother looked in the back of the van and saw his then eight year old son petting Bambi's head and saying, 'my dad didn't mean to kill you.'

    It all worked out though, said nephew was first in line for venison stew a few weeks later. And first up when his father decided he was old enough to take on the hunting trip a few years later.


  5. Been giving some thought to the all important question of who would look after the children if Sarah becomes VP. Managed to narrow it down to the following.

    1. The husband (who persumably will prefer to work from home rather than make the long commute each day to work on the oil rigs of Alaska).

    2. The daughter (who will be staying at home to look after her own child so might just as well help out).

    3. Sarah's mother and father. (Who could perhaps stay in the bunglaow out the back of the VP residence). Hopefully they get time off from blasting caribou.

    4. The mother-in-law. Not sure about this one. Perhaps there is room for her to sleep in the couch in the front room.

    5. The Government assigned servants. Tricky. Obvioulsy the pool boy or the man assigned to clean the shoes can't take on this responsibility but perhaps the girl whose job it is to snip the ends off Dick Cheney's cigars could be retrained.

  6. Been giving some thought to the all important question of who would look after the children if Sarah becomes VP. Managed to narrow it down to the following.

    1. The husband (who persumably will prefer to work from home rather than make the long commute each day to work on the oil rigs of Alaska).

    2. The daughter (who will be staying at home to look after her own child so might just as well help out).

    3. Sarah's mother and father. (Who could perhaps stay in the bunglaow out the back of the VP residence). Hopefully they get time off from blasting caribou.

    4. The mother-in-law. Not sure about this one. Perhaps there is room for her to sleep in the couch in the front room.

    5. The Government assigned servants. Tricky. Obvioulsy the pool boy or the man assigned to clean the shoes can't take on this responsibility but perhaps the girl whose job it is to snip the ends off Dick Cheney's cigars could be retrained.

  7. Mike: Heck, if she's elected, I'll look after 'em myself.

  8. Mmmmmmmmm.....caribou!

  9. Mike.a:

    to sum up: husband, teenaged daughter, mom and dad, nannies: any and all of the above.

    This is what families do, they manage with the resources they have. Some are richer and luckier than others, but the richer and luckier ones are not necessarily any less caring than the less rich and less lucky. They just have more resources, and almost always it's because they worked hard to get those resources. So sue them.

    Sarah Barracuda doesn't need the likes of me to defend her or her choices, but by God, I will anyway. Moron.

  10. Rebecca, after due consideration, I think it possible that Mike was exclusively fed by bottle as a baby, and has had issues with motherhood ever since.

    TW: upfit. A TW that makes sense? Somebody is sending Mike a message about my post.......

  11. Even bottle babies don't necessarily have 'issues.' Sometimes immaturity is a choice made in adulthood! 8-)

    I'm with Paco - if she needs help, I'm available on Sundays!

  12. "This is what families do, they manage with the resources they have."

    well yes thats exactly the point I was trying to make

  13. "This is what families do, they manage with the resources they have."

    well yes thats exactly the point I was trying to make

  14. Black helicopters?

    On your left as you go downstairs. Next to the "men's" room.

    Don't go in there, BTW. Trust me.
