Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What’s the rush?

Powerline has a post featuring some intriguing speculation by former CIA deep-cover agent “Ishmael Jones” on the unusual speed with which a swap was arranged for the recently arrested Russian agents.

1 comment:

bruce said...

Others have pointed out that Obama's mother's work in Indonesia must have involved interaction with the CIA at some level, whether she knew it or not. And that the extraordinary rise of Obama can be made more plausible by assuming that he has some high-up CIA support. Otherwise he would be high on a list of potential spy suspects himself, with the extensive 3rd world and fringe contacts he drifted through without obvious purpose - Pakistan etc.

When did Obama live in Indonesia? Watch Peter Weir's The Year of Living Dangerously for an Australian perspective on just how wild those years Obama's mother probably was in Indonesia were.

I know from my own pre-1990 travels in Asia that the CIA were near ubiquitous. KGB too. Often mild stuff, like these recent Russians.

I don't think there needs to have been any conspiracy at all, just long term friends 'in high places' playing guardian angel to Obama because they wanted him to rise as he has. Progressivism has infected everywhere else, I'm sure some influential CIA seniors are not immune, and may consider Obama to be one of their 'family'.