Saturday, September 3, 2011

With respect to employment, the government is Murder, Inc.

And Obama is Lepke Buchalter.
As President Obama prepares to unveil a new plan for the Federal Government to create jobs, evidence is rapidly piling up on how his administration is actively destroying jobs with stunning efficiency. Recent examples of this trend are enough to make anyone with even a casual respect for America’s former economic prowess hang their head in disgust.
Read. Savor.


RebeccaH said...

To be honest, I'm not one of those who believe Obama himself set out to destroy America. I think he's just a useful idiot who bought into Marxist/socialist bullhockey all his life, because that's how he was reared.

On the other hand, he has done unspeakable damage to the United States of America, because he believed all this bullhockey and did not have the intellectual capability to change his mind.

History will decide he was a bad president (which would be a given, were it not for the apologists (i.e. the journalists and leftists) who will spend decades defending their erroneous choice.), but the reality is, when we who lived through this century are all dead, honestly curious historians will know the truth by prodigious digging through our detritus. The unrespected legacy media (entirely deserving of their disrespect in our age) can't hide the awful facts, because no one in that future age will have to dig through piles of pottery, or buried architecture, or crumbling old documents on papyrus and parchment.

Everything will be resting there in the pixels and binary code, waiting to be discovered. Some may think this ephemeral knowledge will disappear. it won't, unless humanity itself disappears. And then it won't matter.

I feel sorry for the First African-American president, to leave such a legacy behind.

Paco said...

I agree. I don't think it was his intention to destroy the economy. He just wound up being terribly stupid in believing that Keynesian policies were the answer to our problems.

JeffS said...

Rebecca, I'm not certain that Obama is all that innocent. He would have to be so willfully blind to his actions that I'd elevate his narcissism to outright psychosis. He is clearly incompetent for the Office of the President; whether that incompetence is due to his malevolence or natural ability remains an open question.

However, I do agree that we won't really know until and unless there is an objective review of the facts. That won't happen for at least 2 generations. If at all.

But I am certain that many of his minions -- the various appointees and their employees -- are willfully destroying the United States of America. Their ideology varies from communism to transnationalism to environmentalism, but in the end is immaterial: they loathe anything that makes America strong, and are taking advantage of a President who is willing to let them run rampant, regardless of the reason.

They may have been appointed by the President, or hired by one of his cronies, but their allegiance is supposed to be to the Constitution, not a person.

And for that, those flying monkeys need to be caged. Permanently.

JeffS said...

And, Paco, I really can't savor the article. I'm glad someone in the MSM is saying it, mind you.

But the list of offenses (and I believe they should be labeled CRIMINAL offenses) fill me with rage.

We are watching a Federal government -- OUR Federal government -- behave one or two notches below the level of Brown Shirts. I doubt that these "Federal agents" will follow the way of the Sturmabteilung, but there are enough parallels to chill the blood.

2012 can not come soon enough. I just hope that should Obama be booted from office, that it will BE enough.

RebeccaH said...

JeffS, I completely understand your trepidations and anger; I've felt them myself. But I have to believe in the rock-solid truth of America, an idea of human freedom founded on a continent than spans the oceans. We and our ideas cannot disappear because we are too big (you could apply that petty bureaucratic trope: too big to fail), and it's not the size of our economy, or our land mass, or even our culture, that is too big to fail. It is our uniquely American idea of human freedom that will not fail. We've launched it into the world (with the help of that little island off Europe and their English common law --- thank you minor nobles and peasants). Human history will not let us fail. We are going somewhere; we don't know where, and no one alive today will get there, but our children's children's children ad infinitum will.

Every time I think I didn't do enough with my life, I remind myself that I was a link in a long chain, and that was my purpose. It's not the physical propagation of children, although that's important. It's who you affected in your life with your ideals and character.

You, I, everyone, will disappear. But not really. We live forever as long as the human race endures, and people like Obama and his cohorts don't really matter in the long run, because, as I said, we're going somewhere, and I like to think it's somewhere important.

Okay, metaphysical rant over. Off to make fajitas for dinner.

Incidentally, the wv is "burdo" which is awfully close to "bardo", the Buddhist interval between lives. Coincidence? I like to think not.

rinardman said...

I think the only defense against going insane watching this to truly believe.

So, starting next Thursday, I think there will be a revolution in job creation in this country, and the unemployment rate will drop to 5 percent by October 2012!
The Dow will hit 15000, and new businesses will be started at a historic rate, promising full employment by the end of Obama's second term!

And,...oh, look! I see a unicorn over there!!

JeffS said...

Rebecca, I don't disagree with you, in concept or application. I'm a cynic by nature; too many years of working in a bureaucracy stuffed with mindless drones will do that to a person. I do what little I can where I can, and am grateful for the rare opportunities to carry the idea of human forward a step or two.

The fact is, however, that there are people in the Federal government with an agenda that is the antithesis to what you and I believe in. And they are actively pursuing, in part because President Zero lets them, and in part because some our elected leadership wants them to.

And then there are the fools who are promoted well above their level of competence, and bumble along, somewhat in step with the people described above. They aren't actively working against the country, but they might as well be, because they aren't happening.

Personally, I believe that America will prevail, in spite of the above creatures, because the majority of American are decent people who will do what's needed when it's necessary.

But it will be a long, painful road, and hopefully without bloodshed. We aren't half done yet, and I get a trifle annoyed when Obama and his flying monkeys set us back a few more steps.

Paco said...

Essentially, he's a snake oil salesman who truly believes in the efficacy of his product, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

RbeccaH and others "defending" Obama,
I'm looking at your situation from the outside and I must say you are wrong to think he is stupid or a useful idiot.

He knows exactly what he does and why.

May sound trivial to you but what opened my eyes was his subservient bow to the arab king and his aloof demeanor towards the QoE.

You probably of course disagree on this.

rinardman said...

RbeccaH and others "defending" Obama,...

"Defending" Obama? The only thing any of us would defend is his right to resign as POTUS!

He knows exactly what he does and why.

You're saying he knows he is driving this country off a cliff, and is smiling and wagging his big ears the whole way?
I have to agree with that.

You probably of course disagree on this.

If I had a clue what the hell you're talking about, I might.