“Gawrsh, Keith! Even I know that forcin’ a business to divert scarce resources into unproductive channels reduces profitability and job creation. And that even if yuh increase the number of regulators, they’re not contributin’ anything to return on investment or capital formation; they’re just an unrecoverable cost that hangs around the neck of a company, and the necks of the taxpayers, like a millstone, havin’ nuthin’ but a negative impact on revenues and operatin’ margins. Hyuck!”
Ellison is probably a communist at heart. Or a useful idiot of the 32nd degree.
ReplyDeleteRep. Ellison makes an exception for abortion clinics.
ReplyDeletePaco, now you've done it! You're sure to get a fatwah now given that dogs (even anthropomorphized animated ones) are offensive in Islam. You might want to ask Salman Rushdie for advice.
ReplyDeleteEllison is still waiting on the return from his investment in Air America, right?
Deborah Leigh
A fatwah would really give my presidential campaign a boost (Did you see the debate the other night? Nobody called on me even once).
ReplyDeleteThat's an easy one. Makeup your own fatwah and a group to go along with it. Ali Babba and his Camelhumping No Borders Natedi(the wv). Yeah, that sounds realistic. You wouldn't be the first politician to do something like this.
ReplyDeleteAfter last night the prospects for your home nine is looking pretty grim. They would have to sweep in Texas, a doable but not easy thing to do. Looks like Texas/Cards in the World Serious.