Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who's the best catcher in baseball?

36 Chambers has a theory...

In other quantitative analysis news: Ok, ok, so I thought quantum mechanics were grease monkeys who worked a lot of overtime. So I was wrong.


  1. Schrödinger’s cat, faster than a speeding neutrino!

  2. "Philip Ball asks if scientists will now find an object existing in two places at once"

    Well, Mitt Romney's been on both sides of every issue...

  3. I thought Schrodinger was sent down to the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs this year.

    Wow! Look at that photo. Has there ever been an assemblage of talent like that at one time before? The only other time I can think of would be the era of the Founding Fathers.

    I didn't know Curie won a Nobel in physics. Actually, the universe isn't filled with "dark matter". It's filled with thngs I don't know.:)

    wv:forons-fotons for stupid people
