Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Virginia on the cusp of disaster

Terry McAuliffe – Clinton bagman, sleazy “entrepreneur”, Bloomberg-sanctioned gun grabber, and garden-variety liberal hack – has a significant lead in the polls in the run-up to the Virginia gubernatorial election, due largely to the fact that he’s receiving big bucks from outsiders. This is another troubling aspect of the proliferation of low-information voters: I guess they vote for whoever crops up most often in televised political commercials.

Another reason for his surprising success is, of course, the migration into Northern Virginia of hundreds of thousands of federal employees, government lobbyists, and special-interest pimps over the last couple of decades (a genuine flood during the last five years). And McAuliffe is apparently a big hit with feminists because he has vowed to keep substandard abortion facilities open.

The gun-grabbing is particularly worrisome to me, which means that I need to get busy in the next few weeks stocking up on…things. Just in case they later become unobtainable in this state.

Four and a half years to retirement, four and a half years…


  1. Hang in there, Paco. And then move to Texas.

  2. Hondo - looks good! We could start a Pacoist community.

  3. Deborah .... Y'all come! We know the name of a great real estate lady, Beth Mund (Bob Heyen Realty). We just found out that the people we bought the place from are Tea Party. So all you racist-bigotted-Islamaphobic-jihadi-homophobic-sexist-Nazi-klKK-tea bagging-domestic enemies come on down!. Paco, is early retirement.a option?

    Mark Levin challenged anyone to bring him proof that Ken wants to take away women's contraceptive coverage. Just one.

  4. Yeah, hang in there, Paco.

    Then move to Australia when you run out of ammo.
    Paco Industries would be a boon down under.


  5. 'Twould be a shame if you were rowing a boat on a lake someday with all your firearms and it capsized...a damn shame...

  6. Bob: Funny you should mention that...

  7. So Bloomberg's given up on mayors and is trying to buy governors now?

    Good luck, Paco. I have a little over one year to go myself...
