Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Laugh while you can, Zeke

Because when I hear that, at a future date TBD, they wheel you into a hospital afflicted with some exotic disease like the West Indian Dry Gripes or Ondine's Curse, and you're given a summons to appear before a death panel, I'll be laughing, too.


  1. If you like your death panel, you can keep your death panel, period.

    Of course, if you don't like it...

  2. A new career path is forming:
    1. work for the Clintons,
    2. get to know know too much,
    3. seek asylum in Russia...

  3. Death panels are only for the deplorables.

  4. Zeke figures that, as one of the nomenklatura, he'll be exempt and get all the medical he needs and wants.

  5. He's laughing because Obamacare was designed to fail.

    They wanted to destroy the healthcare system then "rescue" the situation by implementing single-payer healthcare, imo.

  6. It's interesting that they'll pay for suicide but are against the death penalty. They are for abortion and against the death penalty.

    There are days when I'm sure I've fallen down the rabbit hole,

  7. It's interesting that they'll pay for suicide but are against the death penalty. They are for abortion and against the death penalty.

    There are days when I'm sure I've fallen down the rabbit hole,
