Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wron Wronwright, call your office

"Scientists have recreated an ancient mead from 2,500 years ago".

For anyone out there who doesn't have a clue who Wronwright is, or the mead context - well, all I can say is, it has to do with Tim Blair's old blog, and a golden age of commenting fun it was, too.


  1. By the way, anybody seen Andrea Harris lately?

  2. Wron was last seen fleeing the scene with kae in the TARDIS.

  3. It says they developed the mead ...based on an analysis of cauldron sediment dating back some 2,500 years....

    Sounds a bit unlikely. I bet they found a half empty bottle of the original stuff that Wronwright brought back from one of his adventures with the Tardis, and copied it. Those guys better watch out. A guy who can make a Russian lake disappear isn't to be trifled with.

  4. Does anybody know where/when he went? Our Dark Lord wants some more Sumerian mead and Q branch has a new temporal defibrillator they want to try out.

  5. Doesn't wronwright spell his name with a small "w"; perhaps I'm mistaken.
    I hope he's ok; we haven't heard from him in a while.

  6. Mike: I long ago promoted him to upper case because I was including him in most of the Detective Paco stories.

  7. Ah, ok, Paco.

    Wronwright deserves to be immortalized in print, with name capitalized, for contributions to time travel theory and practice, as well as contributions to our understanding of mead fermentation history.
