Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Interesting comment...

...from Ellsworth Toohey Hillary Clinton.

So, if we want civility, we're essentially going to have to accept a one-party state, right? Turn the people into "one neck ready for one leash", isn't that the goal?


  1. That's "civility" with scare quotes I think. Words have different meaning in her universe. (Didn't they visit her planet in an early episode of Star Trek?)

  2. I remember when Bubba and Hill were decrying the "politics of personal destruction".

  3. We see democratic "civility" in action every time the so-called antifa or some feminazi hits the streets.

  4. The PJ staff at Liz Shield's Morning Brief described Hillary as that "dried-up bag of drunken failure". I think it's the most accurate description of her, ever. So what ever bubbles up out of her cauldron of bile can be taken with a sneer and a dismissal.

  5. Hillary on tour: Weirdest thing, a turkey just landed on my tin roof, jumped off, scratched around then moved on. Never seen one outside a zoo.

    1. Is that Hillary or the turkey?

      BTW, Benjamin Franklin felt strongly that the (wild) turkey be our national symbol, not the eagle. There is a funny bit in the movie 1776 that portrays it. We see them occasionally here in south Texas. They are fast runners and can fly.
