Monday, October 8, 2018

More family history

I stumbled across this story which details the arrest of Junior Johnson, the ex-moonshiner and NASCAR driver, by my father (the Joe Carter in the story).


  1. Wow, Paco! Fascinating, and to think you're Dad is tied to it. You should compile the family stories, including yours, for posterity.

  2. An interesting bit of history.

  3. Very interesting.
    Moonshining: how Junior Johnson learned to drive so fast.
    Maybe he used it in the tank.

  4. Mike: The cool thing was that my father's agency (now the ATF, but known then as the ATU), was able to keep and use cars confiscated from the moonshiners. We had a series of souped up Dodges and Plymouths in the driveway which Old Paco used as his company cars. Think late 50s and early 60s, rocket-shaped taillights, hemi engines...sweet!

  5. Paco, sounds like your dad could have been a Nascar racer, as well.
