Saturday, October 27, 2018

What the...?

Spider webs (in Australia, of course). I wonder what happened to the picnickers.


  1. That almost looks like my dining room and kitchen in the morning. We take them down, and they're up the next morning. We rarely see the little engineers. It's hard to combat them because we have cats.

    And then there is outside. No massive spider webs even tho the spuders are huge (thankfully they stay outside), but industrious ants that make hills several inches high. They even crack the ground near the hill. Kill one and another springs up overnight. Sigh.

    In our neck of the woods, there are massive structures that are spider nests in some of the trees. Spidey treehouses.

    Advice when in OZ: don't stay still for long.

  2. Looks like Queensland, or up north where they have things like this:

  3. Their bloodless corpses are in web cocoons under the table.

  4. Jim: I figured it was something like that.

  5. We have some powerful spiders in Oz.

    Here is a Golden Orb spider with some captured victims in her larder in the top left of the picture.
    I recently found this Golden Orb victim hanging from a tree in my orchard. The hapless bird was about 7 inches from tip of tail to beak.

  6. Messed up that link to Golden Orb spider.
    Try this

  7. The poor bird, Skeeter. I see the spider's processing some red/yellow beetle too.

  8. Sorry yellow and black beetle.

  9. Here's a spider drawing us into its global web of death now, down south:

    This is insane. I'd rather be invaded by Putin than by China's Borg.
