Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"Lucky" doesn't begin to cover it

A man thinks he's having accuracy problems with a firearm; turns out, the bullets are never even leaving the barrel.


JeffS said...

Wow. Just .... .... wow.

Paco said...

I just don't see how the thing didn't blow up. Amazing.

JeffS said...

Divine intervention is all that I can think of.

bruce said...

Whoah! At first I didn't see the rounds all compacted but then I saw their rounded heads. "a testament to the durability of this firearm" that's for sure.

rinardman said...

After receiving his carbine in we discovered the issue, rebareled his 4595TS and sent it back to him.

Some people are stupid, and some people are lucky. This guy was just stupid lucky.

I'm not so sure someone that clueless should own a firearm.

RebeccaH said...

That guy is lucky he still has hands ... and a face.

Jayceee said...

How does someone not notice that his weapon has gained 3/4 of a pound in weight?