Monday, June 10, 2019

Ace of Spades hails this injection of chlorine into the gene pool

"The Women Refusing to Have Children Until We Fix the Global Warming That Will Destroy the Earth in 12 Years".


rinardman said...

This was sounding pretty good until I got to "So far, over 330 people have joined, of which Pepino estimates 80% are women."

That number needs a bunch more zeros.

RebeccaH said...

I am less than distressed that leftist women are choosing not to procreate (or probably even have sex). From what I've read and seen first hand, they make miserable mothers anyway.

HAL9000 said...

When she finds out in 12 years that the world did not end, she'll probably be past menopause and we won't have to worry about her getting into the gene pool, even at the shallow end.

Paco said...

HAL9000: Like all good leftists, she will have moved on to some new political/economic/social emergency.