Friday, June 14, 2019

Happy Flag Day!

Update and bumped. Received this cool birthday message from Number One Son:

In addition to being my birthday, it is also Flag Day. Long may Old Glory wave over a proud and free people.

Update: Bro Paco just reminded me that it's Donald Trump's birthday, too. Happy Birthday, Mr. President! I'm sure he's keeping busy, even on his b-day...


  1. Yes, long may Old Glory wave over a proud and free people. Despite the best efforts of the Dimocrats to turn us into a bitter, humorless, and divided country.

    Happy birthday, Paco. I didn't realize our birthdays are just a week apart. I turned 66 this year, and it boggles my mind.

  2. As long as your mind is capable of being boggled, you'll be ok. Happy birthday back at you.

  3. Old Glory is our symbol, long may she wave over free Americans!

    Happy birthday, Paco! Don't celebrate too hard!

  4. Happy birthday, Mr. Paco sir, and happy Flag Day too!

  5. Happy birthday, Paco.
    God bless the U.S.A. and deliver you from all the damn traitors.

  6. Yes, long may she wave! In the future, the Lefties may attempt to change her. Not going to happen in truly free areas.

    Happy birthday, Paco and rman! May there be many, many, many more!

    Rman, 66, you say. I've long maintained that there must be a clerical error. Seems there was a lot of it going around in the '50s.

  7. Happy birthday to President Trump! Donald and's a great day!

    Paco, the participation trophies is spot on. Not just Democrat candidates. All who were a part of, and supported the Mueller wild goose-less chase have earned them.

  8. Happy birthday, Detective Paco!

    [still dearly misses]

    Speaking of whom, Tim Blair himself is in the midst of a cross-country jaunt with Iowahawk at this moment.

  9. Happy Birthday Paco.

  10. The pic of the flag with the Pledge of Allegiance reminds me...this Sunday, the Red Skelton museum in Vincennes, Indiana (his hometown, and about an hour away) is going to try to set a world record for the most people reciting the Pledge at the same time. I'm thinking I might go, and take part. Might be my only chance to participate in a world record!

    Plus, there's a Harbor Freight store not far from the museum, and it's a good excuse to go shopping.

  11. Well, I just went to the Museum's website and registered to take part, so if you see any videos of the event, look for me. I'll be wearing my MAGA hat, and I'll probably be the only one wearing one. ;)

  12. Belated Happy Birthday to Paco.
    Your President and our Queen were recently spotted celebrating together:

  13. Like Sherman's bummeers sang, the Stars and Stripes is still "the flag that makes you free."
