Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Imbecility macht frei

Alexandria Donkey-chompers violates the first rule of holes.

More from Liz Shield.


  1. This utter IMBECILE has a shocking number of "white nights" defending her ignorance on Twitter. Detaining illegal aliens / pretend "asylum-seekers" is EXACTLY THE SAME AS AUSCHWITZ AND DACHAU YOU FASCIST MONSTERS!!!

    The historical ignorance of the Left is no accident: they were deliberately miseducated by the government school system. Communist-sympathizer / education "reformer" John Dewey would no doubt be smiling.

    (Why do so many "important female voices" on the Left sound like 12-year-old girls?)

  2. The historical ignorance of the Left is no accident: they were deliberately miseducated by the government school system

    So, so true.

  3. She probably had absolutely no idea what Never Again refers to.
    The worst part? She'll have a pension for the rest of her life courtesy of us.

  4. "Why do so many "important female voices" on the Left sound like 12-year-old girls?"

    Because they never mature intellectually beyond that age.
