Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Well, maybe that's the problem

Joe Biden's brain surgeon says that the Democratic presidential candidate is "as sharp as he was 31 years ago".

Hmmm...m'yes...very reassuring.


stevew said...

As sharp as plagiarist Joe? Clarence Thomas hearing Joe? Wrong on every foreign policy for the past 30 years Joe?

Reassuring indeed.

Paco said...

"Vote for Joe! He's no dumber than he's ever been!"

Steve Skubinna said...

"Vote for Joe! His brain still functions!"

Okay, perhaps a bit tepid but it does break him out from the other Dems...

Veeshir said...

Is it time to call Biden 'Abby someone'?

I didn't think he was any more stupider but I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

Paco said...

I think it's the hair plugs. Over the years, perhaps the roots have spread throughout his cranium, becoming invasive and tightly intertwined, like a root-bound geranium in an undersized pot.

Veeshir said...

Chia President!

rinardman said...

Occam's Razor: He's just stupid.

RebeccaH said...

No one ever recovers fully from a brain aneurysm. They may seem normal, and the brain is plastic, but it's not that plastic. There is always damage, and the damage becomes more apparent with advancing age.