Friday, December 13, 2019

Sanctuary cities for me, but not for thee

So, sanctuary cities for illegal aliens are aok with many Virginia cities and towns, but not 2nd Amendment sanctuaries? Virginia's Dems are moving as quickly as they can to institute all kinds of new gun control laws in the commonwealth, and have been floating the idea of banning even the possession of so-called "assault" rifles, which would lead inevitably to confiscation. In response to this move, numerous counties and cities have declared themselves to be 2nd Amendment sanctuaries, where local law is refusing to enforce some or all of these proposed new regs and statutes.

Now comes this idiot, Dem Rep. Donald McEachen, who is encouraging Gov. Ralph "Coonman" Northam to deploy the National Guard, if necessary, to enforce these draconian new laws.

Just a reminder, dimwits: most National Guardsmen in Virginia don't come from places like Arlington and McClean. They come from the places that are enthusiastically passing 2nd Amendment sanctuary resolutions. In any event, I think the governor should lead by example. So, go ahead, Coonman, head on over to Pennington Gap or Dinwiddie or Bristol and start knocking on doors and talking through your bullhorn. Ought to get real interesting, real quick - like an episode of Justified.

I'm really likin' that decision to move to North Carolina. How about you boys?

"You bet, Cap'n Paco!"


RebeccaH said...

What McEachin suggests is unconstitutional, which just shows what a totalitarian-loving sumbeach he is. Sure, Northam (if that's your real name), order the National Guard in to confiscate guns and endure decades of litigation while not one gun gets turned over.

Spiny Norman said...

...encouraging Gov. Ralph "Coonman" Northam to deploy the National Guard, if necessary, to enforce these draconian new laws.

Just a reminder, dimwits: most National Guardsmen in Virginia don't come from places like Arlington and McClean.

These are the same people who wholeheartedly believe the US military will, without hesitation, turn their weapons on American citizens when ordered to do so.

JeffS said...

Well, speaking as a former member of the Army National Guard, I will offer both agreement and "Yes, but...." responses.

Yep, most Guard members are going to be unhappy on being ordered to move against their fellow citizens only because a governor said so. That's not what many of them signed up for. Helping, yes -- even unto acting as law enforcement officers. Kicking in doors to grab private property, mostly no.

I keep on saying "most" because Guard members are a cross section of society. The majority of them are indeed genuine Americans, and loathe tyrants.

But just as we see in other parts of our country, there's an element in the Guard who would be happy to break the law, up to and including lining people up against a wall. They would have any number of reasons for that, and that's not my point -- such creatures do exist, and they are in uniform. I've known soldiers over the years who seemed to lean that way.

And then there are the types who just want to get fed and paid, not be bored, and will follow orders without questioning them. More immoral than spineless, although some will be cowed into obedience. All together, they aren't a majority, but they could be large enough to cause some problems. You don't need the entire Guard mobilized to terrorize or intimidate people. This could get ugly if the democrats play their cards right.

Of course, just because someone wears a uniform and is armed doesn't mean they aren't an overpaid doofus, unable to lock and load without an instruction manual. Competence is far more important than ideological purity. Just look at Northam.

In the meantime, the Virginia National Guard Adjutant General issued a statement that is painfully neutral. Which is encouraging, as the AG is reluctant to dip his military toes into political waters -- no matter what his elected commander-in-chief is blathering about.

And, yeah, Paco, you moved at the right time. Good planning, there.

bruce said...

That's one (very interesting) side of the equation Jeff but consider what they'd be up against - people defending hearth and home, some prepared to die rather than give in.

The police manage to subdue a house without alienating the public (mostly) because we know only criminals are targeted individually. But if everyone knew they were next, it would be civil war, street by street. There'd be huge pushback. One side dying to defend their home, the other just mercenaries with morale quickly down the toilet.

Defending your home and freedom is one of the deepest drives we have, which drives us to great sacrifices. They haven't thought this through, it's as silly as the "we've got the nukes" idiot: mutually assured destruction.

bruce said...

PS I meant 'mercenaries' in that particular situation only (like what you implied some were above). Progressives aren't going to lay their lives on the line for taking people's guns, they think they're too clever for that.

JeffS said...

Very true, Bruce, and if I sounded pessimistic, I was working on disgusted, but failed. It's my inner cynic coming through.

I'm more concerned about complacency than anything else. The 5% of the Guard who would follow illegal orders are enough to cause mayhem, especially if they move intelligently. It's best to understand your enemy, and never to underestimate them.