We'll see if he bites, as well as barks: "AG Barr Calls Russia Probe ‘Travesty,’ Will Prosecute Anyone Who Broke the Law".
Interesting, and instructive, to see how easily some people and institutions slip into the police state mentality when all the talk is about the (non-contextualized) "greater good". And, yes, I'm also looking at you, Gauleiter Whitmer of Michigan.
Linda Tripp, RIP.

Why, yes, Jim, there's plenty of evidence of voter fraud.
There are experts, and then there is Imperial College of London epidemiologist and professor of mathematical biology Neil Ferguson, whose batting average isn't even as good as the weatherman's.
Yet another attempt to translate one's own personal neuroses into an academic discipline: "The Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Abolish the Family".
Bill de Blasio: Just call me Pete.
Ferguson has predicted 4 of the last none world-spanning Great Plagues.
ReplyDeleteIn their work the authors argued — persuasively in my judgment — that people often move up in the hierarchy of their chosen profession until they achieve a position in which they "rise to their level of incompetence."
ReplyDeleteAnd once a person reaches that level, "they always lack insight into their situation."
Speaking from professional experience -- this is so, so true.
Worse, that person, failing to grasp the entire situation, then proceeds to focus on those elements which they DO understand. Whether or not those elements are relevant to addressing and managing the situation is immaterial.
Which describes De Blasio -- and any communist -- to a "T". Not to mention a large number of politicians, regardless of which side of the aisle they reside on.
And, yes, the inner fascist is coming out across the nation. I'm certain that for every story I read, there many more cases of storm trooper behavior.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad and disturbing. Not just the bureaucrats and elected officials slipping on the jack boots, but the people applauding them for their fascist behavior. Or, hell, joining their ranks.
The most disheartening thing about this whole fiasco is how some of the people I read regularly have fallen hook line and sinker for the kung flu. A lot of my regulars on twit are hiding under their beds. Sad
ReplyDeleteHiding under the bed is bad enough; buying up all the popular ammo is even worse!
ReplyDeleteNah, the ammo thing is on me. I should have been alert to the warning signs and stocked up. Have to be more proactive going forward.
All my life I never understood how Germany could allow itself to be sucked in by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I think I'm beginning to see the pattern now, and I NEVER thought it could happen here. With them, it was WWI and the Versailles treaty. With us, it's coronavirus. The "justifications" are the same.
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm in the no cheap 308 reloading bullets draught. About 80% of my brass is full and I might even have some steel laying around for a rainy day. I'm going to try and wait it out and not come slinking home with some 29 cent bullets. Fortunately I had a fresh jug of powder and a new batch of 223. Sportsman's Warehouse Has primers for $22.50 so that's a good deal.